Big Words (Not Mine) - Read the words 'public space'... (Standard Edition)
by Rose Nolan
This monumental artists’ book returns Vito Acconci’s text, that inspired Nolan’s large scale installation of 282 painted hessian pennants 'Big Words (Not Mine) Read the words “public space”…', 2013, back to the codex form of the book. With Acconci’s text broken into strings of letters, the book interrogates the relationship between documentation and representation and explores Nolan’s continued interest in materials, process and seriality.
Format: Softcover
Extent: 576 pp
Dimension: 23 (l) x 17 (w) x 5 cm (d)
Design: Warren Taylor
Photography: Garry Sommerfeld
Printing: Bambra Press
Published by Negative Press
Edition of 200
ISBN: 978-0-9944139-7-0